Real-time harvest efficiency for faster, more informed decision making.
Faster and more reliable data capture for the field that supports any crop.
Weigh Mode
Weigh and assign a container to an employee, location, or pallet number, and print a receipt in under 3 seconds
Bin Mode
Track individual bin production and keep track of who picked which bin and where it came from.
Group Piece Rates
Track group incentive with a single scan for faster and more accurate shared production numbers
Unique Unit Mode
Track field packing and give cases unique identifiers with the knowledge they can only be counted once
Pallet Mode
Weigh entire pallets, assign them to a crew and location, and print a pallet tag in under 5 seconds
Static Pieces Mode
Keep track of piece rate work without physical units, like pruning or spraying
Faster procedures, less data processing and auditing, and more accurate numbers enable your team to focus on harvest, not on mistakes.
Continuous and reliable real-time syncing means less delays for payroll and more timely actionable insights for management.
PickTrace works fluidly with your existing harvest procedures, organizing your data by ranch, crop, variety, date, and location.
Multi-location entities can view their operations as a sum or separately view each ranch/site.