PickTrace is proud to be a team of diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and interests. Each week we highlight members of our team to learn about what makes them, and PickTrace, unique.
Get to know PickTrace Implementations Manager Viviana Renteria Quintero!

- Grew Up In: I grew up in Santa Cruz, but I was born in Nogales, Mexico
- Currently Lives In: Santa Cruz, CA (Aptos specifically)
- Star Sign: Cancer
- What is your favorite snack food?: Anything with chocolate – I’m well known for always having chocolate in my purse or desk drawers. My favorite right now is the Tony Chocolonely’s Everything Bar.
- What song/album/musician is on repeat for you right now?: Hozier – I’m going to see him in September at the Shoreline. He sounds even better live!
- Do you prefer Mountains, Cities, or the Beach?: Beach, obviously!
In 25 words or less, how would you describe yourself?
- I love to laugh, learn and experience the world. I’m here for a good time, not a long time!
This isn’t your first experience working in agriculture – what was your first job in this industry?
- I worked for a farm called Tomatero for 6-ish years, managing farmers markets and doing deliveries around the Bay Area. It was a great time and I got to learn the ins and outs of the farmers market business.
What do you most enjoy about working in agriculture?
- The people – not only my coworkers (I’ve met some of my best friends through my jobs in Ag), but the farmers as well!
How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
- I throw a lot of pottery, walk dogs (not my own yet, but hopefully I’ll be adopting one soon!), like to do beach walks in the morning and try to learn one new thing every year (last year was wine tasting).
- Favorite wine – I like a nice pinot noir, but also a riesling, and I enjoy a nice fizzy natural wine
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
- I guess I’m still new here so people don’t know much yet! But I do have a motorcycle license which I only use to ride my little red Vespa. I’ve never ridden on an actual motorcycle…
Do you have any guiding principles or quotes that you live by?
- There’s nothing I really repeat to myself but I do think life is all about learning and staying curious so probably that! My dad always says to never stop learning!
If you were a kind of produce, what would you be and why?
- A persimmon – probably a fuyu because you can eat them like an apple and don’t have to wait for them to ripen! Maybe that’s like me because I’m always ready to go! They also remind me of fall and I love the fall.
- They’re just a fun fruit that you don’t see very often and are sweet.