PickTrace is proud to be a team of diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and interests. Each month we highlight members of our team to learn about what makes them, and PickTrace, unique.

Meet our Head of Operations, Joselyn Lai! In her two years with PickTrace, Jos has worked hard to keep the machinery of PickTrace as an organization and a business operating smoothly. Her focus on creating scalable & sustainable processes has ensured sure the rest of us can do great work serving our customers!

Describe yourself in 25 words or less: 
At any given time, I probably have 5-7 types of fruit in my fridge, 8-10 types of ice cream in my freezer, and 2 cats on my lap.

Where did you grow up and what is your favorite memory of that place?
I grew up not far from PickTrace HQ, in Southern California. When I’m living elsewhere, my favorite memory of SoCal is In-N-Out.

In school, what was your preferred subject and why?
Recess! But also math (because numbers are honest), literature (because language is beautiful), chemistry (because pretending to be a mad scientist is fun), and history (because human beings are crazyyy).

How do you like to spend your free time? Any hobbies of note?
I love outdoorsy things like hiking and cycling, but my main hobby these days is vacuuming cat hair from every surface of my apartment.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I had a past life that involved fun disguises and high stakes at Las Vegas card tables, but I don’t think I’m welcome there anymore. 

Before PickTrace, what was your most interesting or unusual job?
In college, I bartended events and worked at a laundromat (target market: rich kids who didn’t do their own laundry). At one bartending event, I accidentally splashed a bit of wine on Robert Kraft, but no one noticed – phew!

How would you describe your current role to a child?
I help really smart & amazing people build apps that help farm workers grow the fruit you eat!

What has been your proudest moment since joining the PT team?
Every time I hear one PickTracer giving a shout-out or glowing about another PickTracer <3

What is your favorite part of working for PickTrace?
The people at PickTrace are passionate and brilliant, and have huge hearts to improve the day-to-day lives of the farmworkers who feed society.

Finally, and most importantly, if you were a piece of produce what would you be and why?
Rambutan – it didn’t brush its hair this morning, but it’s nice on the inside!

Interested in working with awesome people like Jos? Check out our open positions here!

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