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Team Spotlight: Joaquin Flores

by | May 4, 2023 | Blog, Team Spotlight

PickTrace is proud to be a team of diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and interests. Get to know the folks that make PickTrace so great!

Get to know Senior Hardware & IT Specialist, Joaquin Flores! Since joining PickTrace in 2021, Joaquin has streamlined our hardware configuration and fulfillment processes – allowing us to support our clients more quickly and efficiently! Read on to learn more about Joaquin!

Joaquin Flores stands in a pumpkin patch

When you’re not rockin’ it at PickTrace, how do you like to spend your free time?
I mainly like to spend time with family. I like to take my dog, Henry, to my grandparents house and go for walks together
I’ll also generally watch some movies and play some video games. I like to watch anything except scary movies – I don’t necessarily get scared, but I find them so predictable. Movies can be so cheap in how they scare people with loud noises and jump scares. I would rather watch anything other than that.
With video games right now I’m playing a Japanese RPG called Persona 5 about a group of high school friends in a multiverse. I think I’m 60 hours in and from what I’ve read it can take 150-200 hours to complete

What is your favorite item on your desk?
My dog! I have a huge desk – technically it’s an Ikea countertop. I let Henry come up on the desk one time and he just knocked out asleep. Then we got him a little bed so he can sit here and now he’ll come up on the desktop and hang with me whenever I’m here.

What is your favorite part of working for PickTrace?
I think my favorite part of working here is related to hardware repairs. We have a lot of requests where people accidentally broke something and don’t know what to do – they’re ready to spend a lot of money on a new device and need it urgently. I feel proud when I can speak with customers on the phone and can help them with an easy solution that saves them money and time and lets them know they can trust us.
Our customers in general are very nice to work with. It feels nice to help them and make them feel good at the same time.

Finally, and most importantly, if you were a piece of produce what would you be and why?
Banana – because I eat so many that they have to be part of my DNA. I probably eat a minimum of 4 a day (that doesn’t even count plantains!)
When I was in high school my soccer coach told us to eat a banana before and after a game. Now I eat them in so many different ways, sliced n cereal, in a smoothie, acai bowl, banana as a snack.

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