DOL Audits Uncovered: Insights from a 14-Year Enforcement Coordinator

Team Spotlight: Greg Moore

by | May 29, 2024 | Blog, Team Spotlight

PickTrace is proud to be a team of diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and interests. Each week we highlight members of our team to learn about what makes them, and PickTrace, unique.

Learn more about PickTrace’s Head of Product, Greg Moore!

Name: Greg Moore
Title: Head of Product
Department: Product
Tenure with PickTrace: Since 2021


  • Grew Up In: I grew up outside of London, but really spent most of my childhood between London and the US before I spent high school in Weston, Connecticut. 
  • Currently Lives In: Los Angeles, CA
  • Star Sign: Aquarius 
  • When you’re snacking, do you go savory or sweet?: Sweet. I’m a candy guy – usually whatever 7-11 reward I have will be cashed in. Typically those mini powdered donuts, Haribo, Twizzlers. 
  • Go-to Karaoke song?: You Get What Give – New Radicals
  • What’s the most useful product you’ve purchased recently?: Ember mug that keeps my coffee warm.

You have a background in industrial design, how does that influence your current work?

  • At its core, industrial design is product development. The foundation of it shares the same user research principles that we apply to building software products.
  • Being good at understanding a customer’s problem and being innovative to solve that problem is very transferable – whether it’s with a physical product or a digital one.

What made you transition from physical products to software?

  • In undergrad I had some friends who were building apps. I saw the pace at which they were able to build and deploy ideas and I wanted to do that.


What’s a favorite memory from your 3 years at PickTrace?

  • I think my time working with the Field Pack crew was a really bright spot in my time here. Working hand in hand with Ella, Petey, and Kevin Plaut was a lot of fun. Up until that point I had primarily been doing research, which is a very individual sport, and I loved pivoting into a crew ‘team sport’ setting
  • The past 6 months in Paycard-land, it’s been super fun to work with a new crew and be in the nitty-gritty of a new product

What are your hobbies and passions outside of work? 

  • The honest answer is I don’t – in my outside time I’m nerding out on startup and product content. I’m reading, tinkering, and building small things. Typically I’m building stuff to practice skill sets – I’ll spend a lot of time in Figma designing apps just for fun. Just practicing reps in those tools.  
  • The bulk of my free time goes towards reading. I have a particular fondness for the private equity world and learning about the titans of that space. 

Do you have any guiding principles or quotes that you live by?

  • If you had asked me three years ago, I would’ve had a response – but lately I don’t. I don’t really have a mission statement that guides my day to day.
  • I have a million and one goals, but not necessarily a set of principles

If you were a fruit or vegetable what would you be and why?

  • Kiwi. From what I understand, as to what’s written on the outside of the packaging, they’re extremely nutrient dense but don’t have the respect they deserve in the produce kingdom. I like the idea of unsuspected value.


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