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Team Spotlight: Derek Sheldon

by | Oct 26, 2023 | Blog, Team Spotlight

PickTrace is proud to be a team of diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and interests. Each week we highlight members of our team to learn about what makes them, and PickTrace, unique.

Get to know PickTrace Account Executive, Derek Sheldon!

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

  • My first choice was baseball player, second choice was musician / rockstar. Those weren’t realistic, so then I said I wanted to do insurance like my father. I actually shadowed a couple of meetings when I was younger, but it wasn’t for me.

How did you get started in Sales?

  • I had some friends that were doing software sales. I didn’t even know what that really meant, but I hated the idea of a cubicle- so it appealed to me
  • Early in my career I actually interviewed with what seemed like every software company in Santa Barbara, including with [PickTrace CEO] Joel about 7 years ago!)

You’ve been with PickTrace about a year and a half – What’s a favorite memory from your time here?

  • Honestly, the interview process was really fun, there was a lot of excitement early on for me. I can be pretty pragmatic with things, but I was really excited to come into this team and industry and it’s been nice that my expectations have been met through the entire year – it’s a good memory but it’s still happening


What do you like most about working in agriculture?

  • I like how down to earth the people we work with are
  • I also like that the product we sell is simple and applicable for a wide audience – including people who might not be familiar with technology. And it’s fun being able to go to the field and see our product actually in use.

What are your hobbies and passions outside of work? 

  • I like physical activity – I’m very regimented with working out and I like playing competitive sports in my free time.  My true love is baseball, though now as a 30 year-old it’s become softball
  • I just got into golf a month ago – I’ve been addicted to figuring it out. It’s frustrating but i’m loving it
  • I love cooking meat – barbecuing and cooking steak. I cook every night.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

  • When I was in college and trying to figure out what I wanted to do I remember someone saying “just do what you love” and that’s been a good mantra

If you were a fruit or vegetable what would you be and why?

  • Probably an avocado. Full of healthy fat and protein, makes great guacamole. You can have it with a margarita, with some steak, with toast – very versatile. 
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