DOL Audits Uncovered: Insights from a 14-Year Enforcement Coordinator

Team Spotlight: Antonio Cabrera

by | Jun 5, 2024 | Blog, Team Spotlight

PickTrace is proud to be a team of diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and interests. Each week we highlight members of our team to learn about what makes them, and PickTrace, unique.

Learn more about Technical Support Specialist, Antonio Cabrera!

Name: Antonio Cabrera
Title: Technical Support Specialist
Department: TSS
Tenure with PickTrace: Since 2024
  • Grew Up In:Toluca, MX, a little town near Mexico City
  • Currently Lives In: Queretaro, MX – I’ve been here for 8 years now
  • Star Sign: Gemini
  • What’s your favorite board game: Right now, my favorite board game is Catan. Actually, I explained the rules of Catan as part of my interview process, so I say Catan helped get me this job.
  • If you could travel anywhere for a month, where would you go?: I don’t think anywhere specific, I’d just like to go to a forest – to be separated from technology and all that. I like traveling but I can’t think of somewhere I could stay for a month besides a forest.
  • What’s your favorite book?: The last book I really enjoyed was called El Nombre De La Rosa by Umberto Ecco. It’s a detective story in a monastery. I like books where I can try to piece together clues
Before PickTrace, what was your most interesting or unusual work experience?
  • I think the most interesting was when I worked for the Marriott Hotels in Toluca – I was attending to group bookings. The hotel I worked at would host visiting soccer teams so I got to be the contact for those groups.
  • There was a time when I was the hotel’s contact for visiting South American teams. I was managing their bookings, working with chefs to attend to their very specific and regimented dietary requirements, and managing their schedule within the hotel.
  • I had good relationships with the team managers and I would get tickets to go to matches and some team swag
You’re a newer addition to the PickTrace team, what are you finding most interesting about serving agricultural clients?
  • What has been interesting for me is learning about the challenges people have in working in agriculture. It’s really stuck with me that tech can be the last of their worries because they have so many other factors that they’re managing.
  • Sometimes in tech you feel in control of things, but in ag you have to have respect for nature. Even though PickTrace is part of what they do, the whole picture is much bigger
How has your first month been?
  • My month here has been pretty good. I’ve met most of the team already. In the first week when I was still having really intensive trainings, I started dreaming about those sessions and about agriculture.
  • Working here has been something totally new for me. It has helped me grow in an intellectual way – now I know something that I didn’t know before.
What are your hobbies and passions outside of work?
  • I’m very much a stay at home guy – that’s why I like board games, I can have people come over and play or go to a friend’s house and play
  • When we’re not working, my girlfriend and I like going to the movies, taking a walk downtown, taking a walk with our dog, Willy
  • My girlfriend’s parents have a husky, Luna, and I enjoy dog-sitting for her and playing with her. Willy doesn’t really like to play
Do you have any guiding principles or quotes that you live by?
  • It’s not a mantra, but my father used to say ‘everything requires an effort’
  • So maybe you don’t feel like you want to do something, or something is too difficult, but everything requires effort. Even if you try to take a shortcut, steal, or cheat, that requires effort.
  • I keep this in mind when I find something difficult. Maybe this is the effort he was talking about, don’t give up too easily.
If you were a fruit or vegetable what would you be and why?
  • Maybe an orange. You can’t eat an orange in its current state, you have to do something to enjoy it. I identify with that. I feel like I get along well with people, but it takes some time for me to open up and be more outgoing.


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