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Team Spotlight: Paulo Kim

by | May 15, 2023 | Blog, Team Spotlight

PickTrace is proud to be a team of diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and interests. Get to know the folks that make PickTrace so great!

Meet PickTrace’s Controller, Paulo Kim! Paulo joined the team in 2020 and has been a one-man show running our entire financial operation. With years of prior accounting experience under his belt, Paulo has the know-how to keep us on track so we can keep delivering that incredible PickTrace experience clients know and love. Read on to learn more about how Paulo spends his time when he’s not balancing our budgets 😉

Paulo Kim

When you’re not keeping PickTrace’s financials in check, how do you like to unwind on the weekend?
I really like to exercise in general – like going to Orange Theory or playing Soccer with friends
I’m also usually spending time with my daughter and doing whatever she feels like doing. Right now she’s really liking practicing ballet and having me watch her practice. She has a school talent show coming up soon and this year she’s doing an acro-dance and we’ve been helping her with her routine.

Before PickTrace, what was your most interesting or unusual job?
My first job ever was in accounting – I’ve done this at a lot of companies doing different things. There was a company making Playboy condoms, a gaming company, a tuxedo rental company – lots of startups

What is your favorite part of working for PickTrace?
I love PickTrace. Honestly I think PickTrace is really one of the best companies that I’ve worked with – and I do have a lot of years of experience and have worked with a lot of other tech startups.
I really like being able to create different blueprints and processes and having my work be appreciated by leadership and getting the support that I need.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Paulo was not coerced to say this – I promise!]

What do you feel most proud of in your time here?
I feel proud about rebuilding the whole accounting process.  When I came to PickTrace  we had a good foundation, but now I’ve set it up with processes all around that can be taken over by anyone at any time. It’s something that can work on its own now without me here. Maybe it could be bad because it makes me replaceable, haha.

Finally, and most importantly, if you were a piece of produce what would you be and why?
Corn. I like corn in general. It’s low profile, but super versatile. Corn could be a meal, snack, sweet, or savory. I think they have a lot of antioxidants – possibly more than apples.

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